Tuesday, September 17, 2013

References to Light in Pearl Jam Lyrics

I've been studying Pearl Jam since June. It's been an amazing musical journey. I've made particular note of Eddie Vedder's references to "light" in his lyrics. Here's an excerpt from a song called "Light Years": "your light's reflected now, reflected from afar/ we were but stones, your light made us stars" This once again supports my assertion that human consciousness is deeply connected to light as a physical property. The evidence is so abundant that it cannot be dismissed as "simple metaphor." Joseph Campbell and Neil deGrasse Tyson both argue that humans are "star matter." See my detailed essay on this topic on this blog.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Greek heroes

From the introduction to Robert Fagles' translation of the Illiad. Intro. was written by Bernard Knox "Such people the Greeks called 'heroes;' they recognized the fact that they transcended the norms of humanity by according them worship at their tombs after death. Heroes might be, usually were, violent, antisocial, destructive, but they offered an assurance that in some chosen vessels  humanity is capable of superhuman greatness, that there are some human beings who can deny the imperatves which others obey in order to live."

This all reminded me Raskolnikov, the ax murder's thinking in Crime and Punishment.

Just thought I had to put that on the record somewhere.